Black Forest Cake Recipe


For the dough:

210 g dark chocolate coating
110 g butter
9 egg yolks
270 g sugar
9 egg whites
150 g wheat flour type 405
75 g starch
3 teaspoons baking powder
And for the filling and the decoration:
2 jars morello cherries not drained approx. 680 g
2 packets red cake glaze
20-30 ml kirsch if you like …
1 l cream
4 bags vanilla sugar
4 pck. cream stiffener
50 g grated chocolate


Melt the couverture and butter over a bain-marie and let it cool down a bit. Preheat the oven to 175°C top/bottom heat and line your springform pan with baking paper.
Beat the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl until really frothy and the egg whites in another until very stiff.
take the chocolate which is no longer hot and the egg yolk mixture and stir with a whisk.
Mix the flour, starch and baking powder in a bowl and stir into the mixture
Finally, carefully add the egg whites into the batter, pour it into the springform pan and smooth it out.
Bake for approx. 40 minutes – but be sure to test with chopsticks. Let the cake cool completely and then cut it once, the bottom one may be a little thicker.
While the cake is cooling, drain the morello cherries (collect the juice!) and put the best cherries on one side fordecorating 😉 .

Whip the cream with the vanilla sugar and cream stiffener until stiff and set aside. Heat the cherry juice in a pan, stir in the cake glaze and bring to the boil briefly.
Put the bottom layer back into the springform pan and soak it with a little cherry brandy (or sugar water).
Place the cherries on top then spread the jellied juice .
Now diffuse about half of the cream and place the top layer.
Spread some of the cream on top too – fill the rest into a piping bag with a star-shaped nozzle and decorate your cake with it.
You can now place the cherries you have left on top of the cream puffs. Before cutting the cake, place it in the fridge, preferably overnight.

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