Wild boar with beer

Wild boar with beer

List of ingredients

1.6 kg of wild boar pieces
5 carrots
2 onions
2 large porcini mushrooms
75 cl of beer
salt and pepper
olive oil

Peel the carrots then cut them into a rings
Peel the onions and cut them to a medium pieces
In a casserole, brown them in a little oil.

Add the pieces of wild boar…

in the casserole. Salt them.

Add the beer then Cover and cook for one hour.

While cooking, clean the porcini mushrooms, cut them into small pieces.

Fry them in butter or oil with a little salt, covered, for 20 minutes.

After one hour of cooking the pieces of wild boar, add the carrots and porcini mushrooms.

Continue cooking for 45 minutes.

Serve with pasta, potatoes or rice and a nice seasonal green salad.